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how to make a spicy watermelon chelada

From Garden to Table
Seasonal September Recipe: Featuring watermelon and lime
By Home Cook: Romina Valdivia | @itsrominoms


  • 1 seedless watermelon, cut in chunks
  • Small bottle of Tajin
  • 1 can of beer (Corona, Modelo, or your favorite lager)
  • Small bottle of hot sauce
  • 1 lime
  • Optional: Honey


  1. With a large sharp knife, carefully cut the watermelon. Be sure to reserve a few triangle slices with the rind on for garnish. Cut the remainder into large chunks.

  2. Add the watermelon chunks into a blender and blend until completely smooth. Optional: sweeten with honey if desired.

  3. Strain the juice through a sieve to rid of any bits of white seeds or pulp and store the juice in a container.

  4. Build the drink by rimming a tall glass with tajin. Then fill a quarter of the glass with watermelon juice, add beer, and a couple dashes of hot sauce. Garnish with a watermelon wedge dipped in more tajin.