diy edible arrangement
Designer Spotlight:
Shada Morris,
Garden Designer
Founder of Forè,
Functional and beautiful, this easy to plant edible plant arrangement by Garden Designer and Founder of Forè, Shada Morris will have your yard in bloom and your taste buds on fire.
what you need:
Block Series Long Box Planter
potting mixture:
Pest-free potting mix
Worm castings
Sea kelp meal
Red Currant Bush
Anise Hyssop
Dahlia pinnata
Viola Labradorica
Bronze Fennel
Leading Lady Raspberry
tell us about this
first arrangement?
Well first off, we have an edible arrangement, meaning you can eat all of these beautiful plants. They can all be used in various recipes. The Red Currants and strawberries are great to make jam with. The flowers of the other plants can be dried and used as tea, or added to cocktails and desserts etc. The leaves are also edible and can be added to salads.
However, I always recommend growing edible arrangements from seed or purchasing plants from a trusted grower. That way you know if there's any harmful chemicals that have been used on them.
you chose the block series long box planter for your arrangement. why?
This question is so important and often overlooked. The Block Series Long Box Planter is a wonderful choice for planting because it is so deep. A lot of containers that you purchase will have a false bottom, so you'll only really get about 12 inches of planting room. What I love about this one is that it has full depth, you can plant perennials in it and they will actually come back the next year.

follow these steps:
step 1:
I like to add a high-quality pest free potting mix to the planter first. I’ll also add in some amendments, my favourites are worm castings and sea kelp meal. Both are slow-release natural fertilizers that won’t burn your plants and will feed the beneficial soil microorganisms. Focus on soil health and you will have happy and healthy plants that are better equipped to fend off pest attacks.
step 2:
Once you’re ready to put your new plant into its new home, take it out of the black nursery pot it came in and gently tease open the roots wrapped around the bottom of the pot aka the feeder roots. You can use a sharp tool, or your fingers just be mindful not to cut too far into the centre of the root ball, that’s considered the heart of the plant. Use the soil the plant came with when replanting.
step 3:
When placing the plants in your pot look for the best side of the plant, that’s considered the face, and make sure it is facing the side of the planter that will be on display. This side will be the fullest. Once you have found the 'face’ place it in the front of the planter.
The rest of the space will fill out in no time. Take your time, it's always beneficial to play around and see what things will look like once fully planted.
step 4:
Once you’ve potted up your plant, water everything in it and top it off with a top dress.
This can be mulch, stone, moss or anything you consider beautiful. The top dress helps keep the roots cool and prevents the soil from drying out prematurely.